Definition of Instructional design
a process of developing instructional materials that helping instructors to create the training program or courses, which helps instructors to achieve the teaching goals and make the teaching programs time-effectively and cost-effectively.
Instructional design model
ADDIE model
it includes 5 phases, which are analysis, design, development and the evaluation.
The Analysis phase to clarify who are target audiences and what are the learners needs, what is the instructional goal.
In the Design phase the instructional designers are starting to create their instructions, and thinking about what learning objectives and instructional strategies would be.
Development phase is the phase that the instructors start to develop projects, after the instructional materials have been produced, the project will be implemented.
At the last Evaluation phase, formative assessment will be used to test the efficiency of instructional material, and summative assessment will test the learners academic performance
The second instructional design model is Dick and Garey model,which is based on the ADDIE model, but it is much detaild, and the components of this model are, the firsrt is Identify Instructional Goals, the second is Conduct Instructional Analysis, the third is Analyze Learners and Contexts, the fourth is Write Performance Objectives, the fifth is Develop Assessment Instruments, the sixth is Develop Instructional Strategy, the seventh is Develop and Select Instructional Materials, the eighth is Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction, the ninth is Revise Instruction, and the last is Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation.
What is learning theory and how they influence instructional design
The learning theory is a conceptual framework that focus on exploring and describing the
character, process, motivation, methods, strategies of learning and how the knowledge is absorbed, processed, and retained
during learning.
The three types of learning theory are Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism.
Firstly, as for the behaviorism, because behaviorism is focus on stimulus learning, which means the best ways foe students to acquire the knowledge is stimuli, such as when carrying on a learning program, the behavioristic-oriented instructional design is in fact to provide learners with the appropriate stimuli that would stimulus and inspire students motivation to learn.
Cognitivism focus on students learn the knowledge by themselves. In cognitivism, teachers help students connecting the new knowledge with their old knowledge ,and also link
with their experience, which would generate their cognitivism for the new knowledge.
Constructivism learning theory is focus on students centered, so in this theory, the teachers is not main roles any more,but as the role of guiding and leading students to learn, so that students will construct their own knowledge, but not just receiving knowledge, which would help instructional program time-effectively.
My Project
The first project is to help the international students who from non-English speaking backgrounds for their application in instructional technology program in CSUSB, and this project is a team work, each of us as different role in this project and on the right is our design development.
The second project is to give an instruction of the package design to the adult learners with no art design backgrounds.
I applied the ADDIE model in a development task, which is an online instruction for teaching adult learners with package design knowledge. Firstly, in the analysis phase, I did a lot of work to interact with my learners, I used a survey and interview to gather the information, such as what are their needs, what are their entry behaviors and what are their knowledge backgrounds. I also asked them what are their preferred delivery system. All of these helped me spread my design phase. In the design phase, I wrote 5 measurable learning objectives and created a storyboard of video and websites instruction. Thirdly, in my development phase, I used Video Studio software to create an instructional video as the main instructional material, which based on my communication with my learners, as what their preferred delivery material. Also, the website as supplemental instructional material with more contents to help them have a better understanding for the instruction.
Before the implement phase, I published the video on the YOUTUBE then I sent the link to the learners. I also asked them to write down their feedback after they finished watching the video. In the evaluation phase, as I conducted the formative assessment in implement phase, so I already got some revisions suggestions on both my video and web instructional materials. When the processe carried on on this phase, the formative assessment shown efficient on my project. As for the summative evaluation, I created an online quiz as the post test to evaluate my learners' learning, and the results shown my learners all reached the learning objectives.
I have gained a lot rich and useful knowledge in how to design a successful instructional material.And I enjoyed every phase but the design phase was the most pleasant part which I learnt how to draw a logical flowchart to help me straighten out the train of my thought,and also I learned how to write measurable learning objectives under the condition,criteria and behavior three elements.Even though they are not easy but I am enjoyed to write them.
Challenges I encountered:
I encountered some challenges when I was producing the instructional material with video software,before I did this video material I only knew basic knowledge in video production software,but for making a better video in this course I learned some new skills which are not easy and took me a lot of time to acquire them,such as add any routine effects of the verbal and visual elements appeared in the video as I want.
What I learned are useful for my future life:
I have a deep understanding in instructional models and theories,and used these theories helped me with the instructional material production,such as used an animation at the beginning of the video that based on Keller's Motivation Theory and it did worked because most of my learners are reflected it aroused their motivation in learning.in addition, every screen design of the video based on the ABC’RUS Visual Design Principles.Further more,I learned the data collection is important in analysis phase and the formative evaluation phase,such as use survey to collect learners prior knowledge,learners needs and their entry behaviours,also use formative evaluation test items to collect what revision in the product that I need to modify.I will use all of these approaches in my future studying and working.
Piskurich, G. (2015). Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken,(3rd ed.). New Jersey. ISBN.